We go in for my 20 week check on Tuesday, and the BIG ultrasound. Any guesses on the gender of "little bean?"
As for Olivia, she is doing great! She loves our big yard, and is doing the typical toddler things. We got her a wagon so daddy can pull her down the road to see the neighbor's horses, and she loves to bounce around the yard in it too. We had a bit of a scare with her yesterday. First, the neighbor's lab knocked her down, actually just laid her out, in the gravel part of the driveway because he was too excited about playing fetch. She got two big goose eggs on the back of her head that even had little lacerations from the rocks. Then, last nite, she was following daddy into the kitchen, and she slipped, and landed right on the back of her head again. We were worried sick all nite about a closed head injury or some other worst case scenario. She got a good nite's sleep though and has been playing all day. She's a tough little cookie. Doesn't stop the worrying though.
I guess that's all for now. Thanks for hanging in there during my absence. I promise to be better!
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