Olivia. What can I say about Miss Olivia? She's smart as a whip. I don't know where she learns everything she knows. I wish I could take credit. Tonite, she's eating a tangerine and spitting out the seeds. George asks her what would happen if she planted the seed. She said, "it would grow a flower." When he asks her if the plant grew really tall, what would happen, she replies, "it would grow fruit." She's very expressive when it comes to her emotions. A bit bossy and demanding. She's often telling me that she's frustrated or angry, or telling Nate what to do. A funny thing she started doing a few days ago is sticking her butt out and saying, "say hello to the butt."
Potty training has taken a turn for the worse. She was doing really well with her #1 and all of a sudden, she started peeing in her pants again. I haven't pressed the issue. She's back in Pull Ups until she decides to start going in the potty again. Nate, on the other hand, is starting to show an interest in the potty. It usually starts with him running around without a diaper. It's just a matter of time before he starts to pee, at which point, I shriek and run him into the bathroom. The first time he sat on the potty but didn't produce. The second time, he actually started to pee after a minute or so and even pushed my hand away so he could point his own little weiner into the potty. Because he sees sissy wipe, he wanted to use toilet paper too. At this rate he might be potty trained before Olivia!

As far as Olivia's binky, I thought we were really making progress a week or so ago. I've been talking to her about the binky fairy for the last year. The story is that she would hang her binkies in a bag out in the tree and the binky fairy comes and gets the binkies for new babies and leaves a present. Up until a few weeks ago, if I mentioned this, she would get really mad and yell that the fairy couldn't have her binkies. All of a sudden, she seemed open to the idea of babies needing her binkies and getting a present in return. We even picked out a bag at Target to hang in the tree. She's backsliding a little now though. Today when I mentioned it, she suggested we BUY the babies some binkies instead. She's clever and is usually working every angle to get what she wants.
We've been keeping busy doing fun things so keep checking back for new posts!
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