We had a mini-party for Olivia on Monday to celebrate her third birthday. We had originally scheduled party for her on Sunday, but we had to postpone that because Olivia came down with a cold earlier in the week. We didn't want any of the party attendants getting sick so we pushed that party back to next weekend. She got to have some cake and open some presents. Nate enjoyed the festivities also. A big thank you to our family members that sent cards and gifts. She had a wonderful time opening everything.
Hot Chocolate! Just what I always wanted! Just kidding, that was just the box that Nanny wrapped her cow rain boots in. They even have little cow tails on them. She also got stickers, a rain coat, a new outfit, and some card games.

Grandma and Grandpa's package was packed with a Backyardigans guitar that Nate loves, a microphone, a quacker, a slinky and some gummy treats. She was so excited about the Jelly Bellys that she didn't want to eat her cake.

Here come's Daddy singing to his girl.

She started blowing out the candles before he even set the cake down.

When the cake was safely on the table, she leaned forward and took a big bite out of the frosting!

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