The kids have been enjoying their time "outs" as Nathan says. Olivia decided to pick a few pieces of fern and pretend she was a bird and the ferns were her wings. Nate likes to do everything his big sister does so he started running around with a fern also.
Olivia's obsession with worms continues. Nate does NOT share her fascination with the creepy crawlers. As soon as she hands him one and it moves, he throws it down!
Big sissy is learning how to push her brother on the swing. Nate loved it!
This is George's pride and joy. A free mower he found in an alley and got to run, against all odds!
Here is the little patio George built for his grill using random stepping stones from an overgrown pathway in our yard.
And here are my boys in their matching Crocs. Of course, Olivia had to stick her foot in the picture too. She's holding out for a pair of Scooby Crocs.
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