Olivia is really into dinosaurs lately. This new fascination kind of came out of nowhere, but I think there were a few contributing factors:
Her new favorite movie is Toy Story and there's a character, Rex, who is not at all the mighty and fearless meat-eater, but just an anxious dino with an inferiority complex who wants badly to be scarier. His worst fear: "What if Andy gets another dinosaur? A mean one? I don't think I can take that kind of rejection."
There's also a bin of plastic dinosaurs in the childcare area at the gym. Every time I go work out, she runs straight to the bin of dinosaurs. Not sure why she does the "Dino dash" every single time, but she does!
We decided to visit the Museum of the Rockies at Montana State University in Bozeman on our way home after Easter. They have a big dinosaur area and I knew Olivia would get a kick out of seeing the dinosaur bones. I bribed her into good behavior all weekend by reminding her about upcoming trip to see the dinosaur bones. Aunt Amanda, cousin Aiden, and Nanni went too. It was Grreeeaat fun!
A T-Rex Skull!

Triceratops. When Olivia says this it sounds like "tater tops."

The museum also has a nice play area for the kids.

Nathan even got to play!
The trip to the museum was the perfect end to a wonderful weekend with the family, and we can't wait to go again!
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